Page 5 SCL-Feb19-WholeMag-LoRez.pdf Full Version
                                    Join YEC to race against child abuse and neglect
FAMILY FUN ON a Saturday can also make a difference in the future of our children.
Together with York County Department of Social Services, York Electric will host the third annual
Teddy Bear Trot on Saturday, March 30, benefifiting the Children’s Attention Home of York County. Scan the QR
code to take advantage of the early bird pricing from now through March 8
for our certifified and timed 5k race
and mile-long fun run/walk!
Race prices from now until March 8 will be $30 for participants 13 years of age and older. The cost for children 12 years of age and younger will be $15. After March 8,
Help us create awareness for Child Abuse Month in April by wearing blue to the race! Last year, with the help of our generous sponsors and community members, we were able to raise $4,000 for the Children’s Attention Home. This shelter provides a safe and nurturing home for abused and neglected children and teens.
prices will increase to $40 per person. Participants who register before March 8 will be guaranteed a race shirt. All race participants will be entered to win various
door prizes and will be given a snow cone from Pelican’s SnoBalls of York.
Can’t come but still want to support the cause? Register as a Couch Cuddlier for $15 and still receive a shirt! All shirts must be picked up at York Electric’s main offifice no later than Friday, April 5.
                                                  Pharmacies offer big savings through Co-op Connections
                                                                                                                     York BI-LO Pharmacy Manager Kim Reel (above) often gives Co-op Connections discounts to YEC members. “I want to help our community members save money in any way I can,” says Reel.
YORK ELECTRIC MEMBERS receive competitive prices for prescriptions with the use of their Connections Card.
Did you know you could save anywhere from 10-85 percent off prescription drugs at local supporting pharmacies in your area? Make sure you are getting the best price on your meds by going online to compare prices at As a proud Touchstone Energy Cooperative, we are happy to provide our members with extra savings through multiple participating pharmacies across our territory.
But wait–there’s more! Just scan the QR code to get all the benefifits from the Connections Card inserted on page 8
in this month’s magazine from the convenience of your phone. Scan
the code, download the app and start saving!
                                                               SCLIVING.COOP | FEBRUARY 2019 | SOUTH CAROLINA LIVING 5
YEC’s East York Community Solar Farm is officially catching rays!
AS OF JANUARY 1, the second community solar farm has been operational. Want to go green and invest in renewable energy? Sign up online or call our offifice at (803) 684-4248.
All service orders are now followed up with a brief survey. Please take the time to tell us how we did so that we can continue improving for you.