Page 7 "50 Places you Need To Be" .pdf Full Version
                                 Additional Tips for Your 5 Free Days via KDP
 § Don’t make your book free for all 5 days at once. Do two days one month, two days the next, and one day in the third month. This gives you three different times to maximize your downloads.
§ Don’t put your free book behind an opt-in form, since that puts up a barrier to your downloads. Sure, you may get 50 people on your email list, but you could’ve gained 2,500 downloads and pushed your book into the top 100.
§ Don’t make your book free on the first or last day of the month. You will have a ton of competition and it will be harder to get into the elusive top 100.
§ Do plan your free Kindle book promotion. Having Amazon help market your book is an incredibly powerful thing.
§ Do email your current email list so that they can also download your free Kindle book. This is perfect for following up with them and asking them for reviews. Once you have two or three reviews, others will start to leave them.